宮崎 啓
ミヤザキ ケイ
- 教授
- 学位:修士(文学)
- 文学部 / 英語文化コミュニケーション学科
- 語学教育センター
Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching and TBLT Writing Instructions: Theory and Empirical Studies
Test Specification
The Effect of Online Vocabulary Learning on Passive and Active Vocabulary Use at a Range of Proficiency Levels
The Influence of Writing Prompts on Basic-level Learners’ Essays
Learning Process of Japanese EFL In-service Teacher Trainee in Universities -Using Learning portfolio-
Validation of TOEIC Reading as an Alternative to the Center Test
Classroom-Based Assessment
Fundamental Issues Surrounding Integrated Tests in Terms of Assessment Literacy -The Case of Integrated Speaking Tests-
Examining the Effects of Interaction Strategies on Integrated-skills Speaking Instruction and Test
Reliability of Narrative and Descriptive Writing Measurement: Using Multi-faceted Rasch Model
Current Status and Issues on Japanese EFL Education Introducing CEFR
Effectiveness of Self-study in EFL Writing
Construct Validity of Analytic Rating Scales Used in EFL Essay Writing Assessment: Reconsidering Components in Rhetorical Features
Exploring the Influence of Prompts and Topics on EFL Essay Writing
Assessing EFL Writing Performance: The Effects of Analytic Scoring Scales on Persuasive Essay Writing
A New Challenge: A Survey of the English Courses at Keio Senior High School
Consideration of Basic EFL Reading Instruction: Grammar Skill and Extensive Reading
Foreign Language Learning in Multicultural Classrooms
- EMPOWER English ExpressionⅡ teachers’ manual
- Hello, Tokai! Vocabulary learning book
- EMPOWER English Expression Ⅰ teachers’ manual
- NHK Radio English Course 2 Step-up Workbook
- NHK Radio English Course 2 Step-up Workbook
- 大学におけるグローバル人材育成と外部 英語テストの位置付け ― 予測妥当性の視 点から ―
- 英語教職科目に対するステークホルダー意識調査
- 統合ライティングスキルのテスト、評価、細目規定を考える-理論から実践へー
- 将来の大学入学試験の可能性を踏まえた4技能評価のあるべき姿
- Investigation of integrated-skills test taking strategies in Japanese educational contexts
- 英語表現力向上への語彙指導に関する考察
- Role of vocabulary use in EFL essay writing
- Self-study Using Vocabulary Learning Devices in EFL Vocabulary Acquisition
- Validity and Reliability of Integrated-skills Tests – through a study on TOEFL test-taking strategies
- A Study on Student Strategies for TOEFL Integrated-skills Tests Items
- The Effect of an Online Glossing System on EFL Vocabulary Learning
- 英語教育におけるテストと評価-今後の展望-
- Constructs of Skills-Integrative Speaking Tests
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