Matsui Yasuko
- 教授
- 学位:博士(工学)
- Undergraduate School of Science / Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Science / Course of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematical Programming
- Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) Social systems engineering
- Informatics Information theory
- JCDCG^3 2022 Editorial Board
- JCDCG^3 2022 Organizing Committee
- JCDCG^3 2019 Organizing Committee
- JCDCG^3 2017 Organizing Committee
Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints.
A first efficient algorithm for enumerating all the extreme points of a bisubmodular polyhedron.
Monotone Diameter of Bisubmodular Polyhedra.
Enumerating minimal vertex covers and dominating sets with capacity and/or connectivity constraints.
Find Routes on a Doughnut
A Note on Enumeration of 3-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Plane Graphs.
Enumerating Highly-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs
More Routes for Evacuation.
Safe sets, network majority on weighted trees
Safe sets in graphs: Graph classes and structural parameters
Network Majority on Tree Topological Network
Safe sets in graphs: Graph classes and structural parameters
A polynomial-time perfect sampler for the Q-Ising with a vertex-independent noise
Enumeration of the perfect sequences of a chordal graph
Efficient enumeration of all ladder lotteries and its application.
Enumeration of Perfect Sequences of Chordal Graph
2-E-17 Enumeration of Perfect Sequences of Chordal Graph
A Polynomial-Time Perfect Sampler for the Q-Ising with a Vertex-Independent Noise
Enumeration of Perfect Sequences of Chordal Graph
On the Enumeration of Bipartite Minimum Edge Colorings
- Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
- An enumeration algorithm of the edge colorings in bipartite groaphs(共著)
- Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science
- Finding all the s-t paths in acyclic graphs(共著)
- Enumerate All Routes on a Doughnut
- Find Routes on a Doughnut
- Find Routes on a Doughnut
- A Note on Enumeration of 3-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Plane Graphs
- Enumeration of Three-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Plane Graphs
- On the diameter of bisubmodular polyhedra
- A simple enumeration algorithm for all substitutions rooted ordered subtrees into a term tree
- Enumerating All Spanning Subgraphs with Edge-Connectivity at Least k
- More Routes for Evacuation
- Safe Sets in Graphs:Graph Classes and Structural Parameters
- Enumeration algorithm for minimum weighted vertex colorings on some graphs
- Network Majority on Tree Topological Network
- A Fast Algorithm for Counting the Number of Primitive Sorting Networks
- Enumerating all the Optimal Cost Vertex Coloring of 1-Trees
Algorithmic Foundations Based on Large-Scale Discrete Structures
On relations of bound graphs and order ideals
Development of the enumeration algorithm for the problems on statistics
On bound graphs and poset operations
The Study of theoretical aspects and practical aspect on Grobner Bases
Constructing Algorithms for Contingency Tables and Graphical Models by using Algebraic Approaches
On subgraphs and subposets of bound graphs
On bound graphs and simplicial vertices
Study of universal Grobner bases of zero-dimensional lattice ideals
On bound graphs and non-maximal cliques
On bound graphs and cique covers
On relations between upper bound graphs and graph operations
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