Makino Hironori
- 教授
- 学位:博士(理学)
- Undergraduate School of Information Science and Technology / Department of Human and Information Science
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Quantum Computing
- Laser Dynamics
- Level Statistics
- Quantum chaos
- Natural sciences Mathematical physics and basic theory
Quantum Mechanical Approach to Bifurcation Point Detection in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems.
Bifurcation and anomalous spectral accumulation in an oval billiard
Self-similar fluctuations of classical origin in level-spacing statistics of quantum lemon billiards
E(K, L) level statistics of classically integrable quantum systems based on the Berry-Robnik approach
Statistical properties of spectral fluctuations for a quantum system with infinitely many components
Net motion of an ensemble of many Brownian particles captured with a self-mixing laser
Long-Range Spectral Statistics of Classically Integrable Systems: Investigation along the Line of the Berry-Robnik Approach
Irregular lasing pattern formation and dynamic effects in a thin-slice solid-state laser
Study of spectral statistics of systems with infinitely many components
Quantum chaos and randomness
Stationary collective fluctuation in Brownian motions of particles within the limited field of vision
Transverse effects in a microchip laser with asymmetric end-pumping: modal interference and dynamic instability
Level spacing statistics of classically integrable systems: Investigation along the lines of the Berry-Robnik approach
Lebel statistics of classically integrable quantum system based on the Berry-Robnik approach.
- 奄美諸島認定エコツアーガイド
- 情報科学入門ゼミナール
- 基礎物理学特論
- 情報数理工学
- コンピュータシミュレーション
- Computer Literacy
- 量子情報処理特論
- プログラミング実習
- 電気回路
- Chaos and Fractal
- Dynamics
- Japan Physical Society
A study of the Solid-state laser
A study of the energy level statistics of integrable quantum systems
Study of self-similar fluctuation in level-spacing statistics of quantum systems
Study of spectral statistics for random operators in the framework of stationary point process theory
Basic Study of the Archaeological Cave Site in the Ryukyus.
Study of the energy level statistics for classically integrable and nearly integrable quantum systems
Analytical study on global properties of nonequilibrium states in mesoscopic systems based on dynamical-systems approach
Study of the fluctuation of spectra of random operators
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