Yamaguchi Makoto
- 准教授
- 学位:博士(工学)
- Undergraduate School of Science / Department of Physics
- Graduate School of Science / Course of Physics
- Physics
- Quantum optics
- Condensed matter physics
- Cavity quantum electrodynamics
- Natural sciences Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
- Natural sciences Mathematical physics and basic theory
- Natural sciences Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Quantum photonics with photonic crystals
Time-resolved physical spectrum in cavity quantum electrodynamics
Theory of Fano effect in cavity quantum electrodynamics
Fluctuation theorem in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems
Decomposition of radiation energy into work and heat
Markovian quantum master equation beyond adiabatic regime
High-energy side-peak emission of exciton-polariton condensates in high density regime
Generating functional approach for spontaneous coherence in semiconductor electron-hole-photon systems
Cavity-Loss Induced Plateau in Coupled Cavity QED Array
Second Thresholds in BEC-BCS-Laser Crossover of Exciton-Polariton Systems (vol 111, 026404, 2013)
Second Thresholds in BEC-BCS-Laser Crossover of Exciton-Polariton Systems
First-order superfluid–Mott-insulator transition for quantum-optical switching in cavity-QED arrays with two cavity modes
QED Cavity Arrays for Quantum Optical Switching
Nonequilibrium phases of photons in coupled cavity QED array
New Lasing From Exciton-Polariton Condensates in High Excitation Regime
Fano-Resonance Gain by Dephasing Electron–Hole Cooper Pairs in Semiconductors
Third emission mechanism in solid-state nanocavity quantum electrodynamics
BEC–BCS-laser crossover in Coulomb-correlated electron–hole–photon systems
Quantum electrodynamics of a nanocavity coupled with exciton complexes in a quantum dot
Spectrally selective thermal radiation based on intersubband transitions and photonic crystals
- Principles and methods of quantum information technologies
- Fundamental theory of Fano resonance in cavity QED systems
- Theoretical consideration of phonon interaction on cavity QED with SiC color centers
- Analysis of the Fano interference in cavity QED systems with incoherent pumping
- Quantum electrodynamic analysis in a SiC photonic nanocavity with Si-vacancy center by considering the effect of phonon sideband
Macroscopic quantum theory of quantum condensation in nonequilibrium composite systems
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