Tsukagoshi Midori
- 教授
- 学位:博士(医学)
- Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Nursing
- Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Nursing
- Neuro transmitters and receptors
- Nursing technique
- Life sciences Nervous system function
- Life sciences Basic nursing
Evaluation of the Classification Accuracy of Bowel Movement Patterns Using a Flowchart: A Study Using Simulated Bowel Movement Records
Investigation about compression therapy after lymphatic venous anastomosis (LVA) in the patients with breast cancer related lymphedema
Q and A Booklet about Hot Compresses to Relieve Constipation
Changes in Skin Temperature and Blood Flow in the Upper Body Following Application of Hot Compress at 60.DEG.C. to the Back
Differential distribution of vanilloid receptors in the primary sensory neurons projecting to the dorsal skin and muscles
Central projections of thoracic splanchnic and somatic nerves and the location of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in Xenopus laevis
Differential distribution of nerve fibers immunoreactive for substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in the superficial and deep muscle layers of the dorsum of the rat
- Relationship between contents of breast cancer treatments and lymphatic venous anastomosis in the patients with breast cancer related lymphedema
- Study on the effects on compression after lymphatic venous anastomosis for the patients with breast cancer related lymphedema
Deveropment of the compression treatment in the lymphedema elderly after cancer treatment
Effects on improvement of lymphedema by applying elastic garments according to severity of edema in patients with secondary lymphedema.
Effects of the hot compress to the back elieve cold symptoms in Parkinson's disease patients
Mechanism of the hot compress to the back
Sensory neurons and the sympathetic nervous system in relation to increased skin temperature of free upper limb with application of hot compresses to the back
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