小倉 光雄

Ogura Mitsuo

  • 教授
  • 学位:農学博士



  • Graduate School of Bioscience / Course of Bioscience
  • Graduate School of Oceanography / Course of Oceanography
  • Institute of Oceanic Research and Development


  • Biotechnology


  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure



  • Molecular biology of signal transduction system in Bacillus subtilis


  • Life sciences Applied biochemistry
  • Life sciences Applied microbiology


Glucose controls manganese homeostasis through transcription factors regulating known and newly-identified manganese transporter genes in Bacillus subtilis.

Identification of transposon-inserted mutations including rnpB::Tn that abolished glucose induction of sigX encoding extracytoplasmic function-sigma factor in Bacillus subtilis

RNA-seq analysis identified glucose-responsive genes and YqfO as a global regulator in Bacillus subtilis

Glucose-Mediated Protein Arginine Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation Regulates ylxR Encoding Nucleoid-Associated Protein and Cell Growth in Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis Nucleoid-Associated Protein YlxR Is Involved in Bimodal Expression of the Fructoselysine Utilization Operon (frlBONMD-yurJ) Promoter

Bacillus subtilis YlxR, Which Is Involved in Glucose-Responsive Metabolic Changes, Regulates Expression of tsaD for Protein Quality Control of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

Newly Identified Nucleoid-Associated-Like Protein YlxR Regulates Metabolic Gene Expression in Bacillus subtilis

Dual Regulation of Bacillus subtilis kinB Gene Encoding a Sporulation Trigger by SinR through Transcription Repression and Positive Stringent Transcription Control

Glucose Induces ECF Sigma Factor Genes, sigX and sigM, Independent of Cognate Anti-sigma Factors through Acetylation of CshA in Bacillus subtilis

Post-transcriptionally generated cell heterogeneity regulates biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis degSU operon is regulated by the ClpXP-Spx regulated proteolysis system

Regulation of the Response Regulator Gene degU through the Binding of SinR/SlrR and Exclusion of SinR/SlrR by DegU in Bacillus subtilis

The Bacillus subtilis Response Regulator Gene degU Is Positively Regulated by CcpA and by Catabolite-Repressed Synthesis of ClpC

SwrA regulates assembly of Bacillus subtilis DegU via its interaction with N-terminal domain of DegU

ZnuABC and ZosA zinc transporters are differently involved in competence development in Bacillus subtilis

Effect of Bacillus subtilis BsuM restriction-modification on plasmid transfer by polyethylene glycol-induced protoplast fusion

Identification of the sequences recognized by the Bacillus subtilis response regulator YclJ

Autoregulation of the Bacillus subtilis response regulator gene degU is coupled with the proteolysis of DegU-P by ClpCP

Bacillus subtilis Response Regulator DegU Is a Direct Activator of pgsB Transcription Involved in gamma-Poly-glutamic Acid Synthesis

The Bacillus subtilis Late Competence Operon comE Is Transcriptionally Regulated by yutB and under Post-Transcription Initiation Control by comN (yrzD)


Elucidation of significance and regulatory mechanism of glucose-mediated protein Arg-phosphorylation of glucose-metabolizing enzymes

Characterization of newly idenfied glucose responsive system involving protein acetylation in bacteria

Whole analysis of Functional differentiation of RNA polymerase by protein acetylation

Exploring of an impact of lysine acetylation in RNA polymerase on transcription

Pioneer research of transcription network of stringent control in Bacillus subtilis and its application

Regulation of two-component regulatory system genes by active protein degradation of transcription factor

Studies on regulation of poly-glutamic acid production by Bacillus subtilis transcription factor DegU.

Analysis of interaction between B. subtilis re, sponse regulaator DegU and its target gene promoters

Study on the function and network of Bacillus subtilis transcription factors

Mutational analysis of DegU regulating genetic competence and exo enzyme production in B. subtilis

Study on signal transduction and involvement of protein synthesis machinery in the production of Bacilhus subtilis proteass

Analysis of interaction between the competence transcription factor, ComK and its regulatory factor, Med

Regulation of the production of Bacillus subtilis extracellular proteases


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