Asai Chiaki
- 教授
- 学位:修士(文学)
- Undergraduate School of Cultural and Social Studies / Department of Psychological and Sociological Studies
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of Communications
- Social Psychology/Organizational Psychology
- Humanities & social sciences Social psychology
Effects of Participational Semi-structured Group Encounter on One’s Attitudes Toward Self and Others (2): Temporary and Continuant Effects by Group Experience and Mutual Influences among Attitudes
Effects of Participated and Semi-structured Group Encounter on the Attitudes toward Self and Others (1): Development of the Scales and Evaluation of their Reliability and Validity
The Influence of Style of Coping with Problems on Undergraduates and Its Influences on their Career Maturity
The Influence of Style of Coping with Problems on Undergraduates' Motivation in School Life
The Effects of Experiences of Achievement and Social Support toward Career Maturity
The Effects of Organizational Traits,Leadership Behaviors,and Work Attitudes on Self-initiated Job Improvement
Influence of Leadership and Organizational Traits on Attitudes toward Job, Organization, and Career Development
Interrelationship among and determinants of professional commitment, organizational commitment, and job motivation of contingency engineers
The Determinants of Contingency Engineer's Motivation Toward Ability Development.
A Structural Model of Work Group Commitment and Its Determinants
- The Change in Organizaiton of Japaneese Corporations and Work Attitude of Employees. In Nao Oyama and Tsuneo Ogawa (Eds.), The Change of Mind and Society.
- Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship and small group. In Chiaki Asai (Ed.),Learning Psychology.
- Effects of Participational Semi-structured Group Encounter on One's Attitudes toward Self an Others
- Influences of Undergraduate Students’ Tendencies and Experiences on Activities and Relationships in School Life toward Work Motivation and Work Self-Efficacy
Adaptation to group and organization, and motivation
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