Kobayashi Osamu
- 教授
- 学位:修士(社会学)
- Undergraduate School of Health Studies / Department of Health Management
- Graduate School of Health Studies / Course of Health Management
- Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Nursing
- Social Welfare
- Childcare And Child-Raising Support
- Social Policy
- Family Social Work
- Social Work
- Humanities & social sciences Sociology
- The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Screening Committee for Young Researcher Fellowships
- The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
社会的養護施設全国調査の追加分析(その1) ―資格等基本属性からみる人材背景を対象として―
Social Issues in Human Resource Development in Social Care: Based on a Comparison of the Work Environments of Professionals in Child Guidance Centers and Social Care Facilities in Prefecture A
Practice of School Social Worker with Children for Facilitating Social Needs in Sri Lanka
Young People Caring for their Parents: A Collaborative Study in Japan and Sri Lanka
Exploring the Parents' Expectations on the Sri Lanka's School System Concerning Their Children's Learning Problems
「学校」をベースにした子ども家庭支援の実践に関する国際比較研究 スリランカ国コロンボ市近郊における初等中等学校で展開されているスクールソーシャルワークの活動を手がかりに
An inquiry into the consciousness required to support one's parents and the concerns shown towards the super aged and aging societies and the images toward older people : An analytical study of the responses from University students in Japan and Sri Lanka
A Study to Investigate the Needs of Students Attending Correspondence Education High Schools and the Relationships with Their Teachers : Results from a Questionnaire Survey to the Students
生活保護受給有子世帯の現状と支援課題 A県における生活保護受給有子世帯属性調査における実態を対象として
Thought on actions against violence and abuse in the family
Networking and resource development in communities: thoughts to deepen analytic perspectives
A basic study of collaboration and cooperation in school social work: in supporting children with high brain dysfunction returning to school
子ども家庭福祉行政機関の機構改革と運営に関する研究 障害児童福祉分野のあり方と総合的考察
子ども家庭福祉行政機関の機構改革と運営に関する研究 保育?子育て支援、児童健全育成分野を中心に
Child raising safety-net for children and their families: concept and background
- 社会保障?社会福祉
- 児童?家庭福祉 改訂第2版
- 社会保障?社会福祉 第24版
- 子ども家庭福祉 第2版
- ソーシャルワークの倫理的ジレンマに関する研究 -自己決定に関する倫理的ジレンマに着目して-
- 児童虐待への対応に関する検討 -保育所?区役所?児童相談所の関係 を中心として-
- 社会的養護における研修に関する研究-「特別養子縁組養親研修」と「社会的養護専門職研修」との比較を中心として-
- 1920 年代の自己決定概念に関する研究-バイステックとシュヴァイニッツの文献に着目して-
- 里親認定前研修の状況に関する研究--全国69都道府県市児童福祉主管部(局)長への実態調査をもとにして--
- The care Consciousness required to Support One's Parents and the Concern Shown towards the Super Aged and Aging Societies: An Analytical Study of Responses from University Students in Japan and Sri Lanka
- 生活保護受給有子世帯の養育者にとってのソーシャルワーカー ― A県B市におけるインタビュー調査を通じて ―
- 生活保護受給世帯における「就学」に関する研究
- 生活保護有子世帯の親子関係と子育て課題の現状
- 子ども家庭福祉行政機関の機構改革と運営に関する研究:障害児童福祉の在り方を中心に
- 子ども家庭福祉サービス決定権限の分権化に関する研究:中央児童相談所長に対する意向調査を踏まえて
- 「子ども家庭福祉行政機関の機構改革と運営に関する研究」
- 近未来の児童福祉法改正要綱試案:その理念と具体的制度
The basic research on cooperation between learning support service and social work practice for needy households with dependent children in public assistance of Japan
A Study on Children of Families Receiving Public Assistance and Career Selection: Based on a Follow-up Surveys
Basic study on public assistance and support for families with school children.
Research on Educational Supports to the Households with Public Assistance
The Art of Support for Symbiosis of the Alzheimer's diseased and the Interlocutor.
The Study of Family Support for the Children in Urban Society
Study on Child Support for Family in Urban City
Study on Social Work for one-parent family
Study on concepts of Family Social Work
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