Motoda Shizuka
- 教授
- 学位:博士(教育学)
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of Japanese Literature
- Language Education Center
- Psychology
- Education
- Japanese
- Humanities & social sciences Science education
A Proposal of "MANABIAI" for Japanese Language Education:: A Case Study in the Intermediate Class
A Practical Study of "MANABIAI" in a Japanese Language Class : Enhancing the Collaborative Relationship in the Classroom Community
A Case Study on "MANABIAI" in the Japanese Language Class
Building a Class to Enhance the Sense of Belonging :: Application of the Adlerian Psychology for Japanese Beginner Class
Using the Whole Sentence Dictation in the Listening Class Consisting of the Students that Japanese Language Proficiency Levels are Various
- 第二言語不安の理論と実態
- The Chugoku-Shikoku Society for Psychology
- Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association
- The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
- The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
Development and Evaluation of a Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Curriculum for PEACE
Effectiveness verification and practical support of Content and Language Integred Learning(CLIL) in Japanese language education aiming for peace
Motivation of Japanese Language Learners to Participate in Collaborative Activities
Collaborative learning in the Japanese language classroom
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