Ozeki Tomoko
- 教授
- 学位:博士(理学)
- Undergraduate School of Information Science and Technology / Department of Human and Information Science
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Statistical Physics of Information Processing
- Information Geometry
- Dynamics
- Neural Network
- Natural sciences Mathematical physics and basic theory
- Informatics Statistical science
- Informatics Intelligent informatics
Study on detection of internal cracks by inspection of impact echo using CNN
A study on defect monitoring of concrete with machine learning of the impact-echo spectrogram
Visualization system for analyzing regional characteristics of Utstein data
Dynamics of Learning in MLP: Natural Gradient and Singularity Revisited.
Parameter Evaluation of Enhanced Local Binary Patterns in Face Recognition for Videos
Improvement of Time Shift Parameter of Tile Coding in Reinforcement Learning
Face Recognition by Using SURF Features with Block-Based Bag of Feature Models.
Pedestrian Detection by Using FAST-HOG Features.
Food Image Recognition by Using Bag of SURF: Color Features.
Performance Evaluation of Tile Coding in Reinforcement Learning.
Food Image Recognition by Using Bag-of-SURF Features and HOG Features.
Color palette generation for image classification by bag-of-colors.
Improvement of the relaxation procedure in concurrent Q learning
Improvement of the Relaxation Procedure in Concurrent Q Learning
Dynamics of Learning In Hierarchical Models - Singularity and Milnor Attractor
Singularity and Slow Convergence of the EM algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures.
Dynamics of learning in multilayer perceptrons near singularities.
Dynamics of learning near singularities in layered networks.
- Study on Applicability of Detection of Internal Cracks by Impact Echo Using Machine Learning
- Development of Non-Contact User Interface by Hand Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning
- Image Enhancement of Jewelry Data Using CycleGAN
- Generation of Impact-Echo Using GAN and Improvement of Accuracy on Impact-Echo Monitoring
- Anomalous Machine Sound Detection for Predictive Maintenance Investigation Based on Deep Learning Method
- Transformation of Website Screenshots to HTML Code Using Deep Learning- Based Object Detection
- Transfer-Learning-Based Object Detection for Inspecting Defective Submersible Pump Impeller Casting Parts
- Gliding Locomotion of Leg-wheel Robot Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Simplified Deep Learning Architecture for Text Recognition from Natural Scene
- Highly Simplified Architecture for Text Detection and Recognition from Natural Scene
- D-12-15 Food Image Recognition Using Bag-of-Colors and hsvSURF
- D-12-11 Facial Expression Classification Using Gabor-Wavelet and SVM
- D-20-4 Selection of State-Action pairs in Fighting Action Game AI by Q-Learning
- D-2-1 Effect of Eligibility Trace in Concurrent Q-Learning
Study on Effect of Geometrical Singularity on Dynamics of Learning
Information Geometrical Approach to Estimation and Learning Dynamics of statistical Model with Singular Structure
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