Ishimoto Hitoshi
- 教授
- 学位:博士(医学)
- Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine
- Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Advanced Medical Science
- Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Medical Science
- Life sciences Obstetrics and gynecology
- Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Commendation
High-progesterone environment preserves T cell competency by evading glucocorticoid effects on immune regulation.
Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1α Suppression in Ovarian Clear-cell Carcinoma Cells by Silibinin Administration.
Human PZP and common marmoset A2ML1 as pregnancy related proteins.
Development and Function of the Human Fetal Adrenal Cortex: A Key Component in the Feto-Placental Unit
- 産科超音波検査における出生前診断検査の意義とその管理法について
- 出生前診断となりうる産科超音波検査の情報管理について
- 新規糖鎖マーカーA2160を用いた内膜症性嚢胞と初期明細胞癌?類内膜癌の鑑別
- 深部頸管裂傷を伴った子宮型羊水塞栓症に対し子宮全摘術を施行した1例
- 悪性卵巣甲状腺腫の1例
Fetal signal-mediated maintenance of intrauterine environment
Analysis of the signals induced by the variant isoforms of TrkB expressed on ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma
Studies on pregnancy maintenance mediated by fetal and endocrine factors
Fetoplacental factors involved in feto-maternal communications: who and how
The role of matrix cellular proteins in amniotic membrane
Roles for components of the feto-amniotic unit in maintaining pregnancy
Role of neural cell adhesion molecules in structural and functional remodeling of fetal adrenal glands
Studies on possible roles of midkine, a heparin -binding growth factor, in the human feto -amniotic unit
The mechanisms of chromatin remodeling in mammalian oocyte maturation and meiosis
Roles of midkine, a heparin-binding growth factor, in the fetal adrenal gland
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for X-linked genetic diseases and fetal angiographic analysis for fetal aromaties
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