- 教授
- 学位:博士(工学)
- Undergraduate School of Engineering / Department of Applied Chemistry
- Undergraduate School of Engineering / Department of Nuclear Engineering
- Graduate School of Science and Technology / Course of Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Engineering / Course of Applied Science
- Energy Nuclear engineering nuclear reactor physics, nuclear reactor engineering, nuclear fuel engineering
- Atomic energy society of Japan JNST most cited article award Development of Calculation Technique for Iterated Fission Probability and Reactor Kinetic Parameters Using Continuous-Energy Monte Carlo Method
Development of two educational calculation codes, Monte-Carlo calculation code S-MONTE and diffusion calculation code S-DIF
Basic concept of inherent safety free-scale reactor KAMADO-FSR
New Concept of Accident Tolerant Fuel Assembly Composed of SiC Block for KAMADO-BWR
Development of Educational Code ”S-Decay” on Nuclides Generation and Depletion
Development of a Compact and Convenient Neutron Diffusion Calculation Code ”S-Dif” for Education and Training
Development of an Educational Monte Carlo Method Code ”S-Monte” for Photon and Neutron Transport Calculation
Verification and Utilization of Tokai University Reactor Simulator (TURS) for Research and Education
Distributions of 242Cm and 244Cm Nuclide Compositions as Neutron Sources and Their Neutron Emission Rates in BWR Spent Fuels based on Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport and Burnup Calculations
Analysis of atomic distribution in as-fabricated Zircaloy-2 claddings by atom probe tomography under high-energy pulsed laser
Observation of c-component dislocation structures formed in pure Zr and Zr-base alloy by self-ion accelerator irradiation
Modeling of H(n,n) Recoil Proton Injection into LWR Fuel Cladding with Sequential Use of MCNP and SRIM Codes
Development of Calculation Technique for Iterated Fission Probability and Reactor Kinetic Parameters Using Continuous-Energy Monte Carlo Method
A new passive safety FBR concept of "KAMADO" - Easy replacement from the existing light water reactor to FBR
Core concept of a passive-safety fast reactor "METAL-KAMADO" and reactivity coefficients
Clarification of rim structure effects on properties and behaviour of LWR UO2 fuels and gadolinia doped fuels
Core performance of new concept passive-safety reactor "KAMADO" - Safety, burn-up and uranium resource problem
Proposal of direct calculation of kinetic parameters βeff and based on continuous energy monte carlo method
Temperature and fission rate effects on the rim structure formation in a UO2 fuel with a burnup of 7.9% FIMA
Analyses of burnup at plutonium spots in uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuels in light water reactors by neutron transport and burnup calculations
The FLEXBURN neutron transport code developed by the Sn method with transmission probabilities in arbitrary square meshes for light water reactor fuel assemblies
Dissolution behavior of highly burnt fuel
Numerical analysis for microstructure change of a light water reactor fuel pellet at high burnup
Concerning the microstructure changes that occur at the surface of UO2 pellets on irradiation to high burnup
Development of expert system on personal computer for diagnosis of nuclear reactor malfunctions
- Inherent Safety Free-Scale Reactor KAMADO-FSR - Estimation of Investment and Cost -
- Inherent Safety Fast Reactor Concept of KAMADO-FR2 - Design of Ultra-long Life Core and Reuse of LWR Spent Fuels -
- Concept of a free-power scale BWR with inherent safety: KAMADO-FSR and spectral shift operation
- Invention of a burnup measurement method for LWR fuel assemblies by computer experiments based on neutron and photon transport calculations
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Temperature Calculations with Fuel Behavior Analysis Code
- Design Concept of a High Flux Reactor “KAMADO-HFR” adjusting to 99Mo Production for Medical Diagnostics
- Computer experiments based on neutron and photon transports for burnup measurement of light water reactor fuel assembly
- Reactivity coefficients calculations and plant performance analyses after ATWS at BWR
- Development of particle transport calculation method based on analytical collision probability (2) -Application to 3D problems-
- Development of particle transport calculation method based on analytical collision probability
- Analyses of core damage proceeding during BWR station black-out with severe accident reactor simulator SARS
- Quantification of temperature calculation uncertainty induced by thermal conductivity errors in LWR fuels
- An inherent safety gas-cooled fast reactor concept of KAMADO-FR2 Design of ultra-long life core
- BWR fuel assembly ′′KAMADO-BWR′′ using SiC block with high accident resistance Preliminary study of basic concept, temperature distribution and critical heat flux
- 3-dimensional measurement of neutron flux distribution in graphite moderator and single neutron source with small size Eu:LiCaAlF6 scintillation detector
- Interaction analyses and validations of temperature and neutronics in Gd-doped fuel
- Analyses of ECCS injection patterns in case of LOCA and SBO with LWR simulator SARS
- Making a few groups of reactor constants in critical light-water reactor for neutron diffusion calculation code S-Dif
- Measurement of neutron flux distribution in graphite moderator and single neutron source with the Eu:LiCaAlF6 scintillation detector
- Development of Nuclides Generation and Depletion Code ′′S-Decay′′ for Education
- Technology and sciety
- Radiation experiments and analyses
- Nuclear fuel engineering
- Nuclear fuel cycle exercise
- Ractor experiment and exercise
- Reactor physics
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