Wilkins Simon
- 講師
- 学位:Ph.D
- Undergraduate School of Business Administrations
- Language Education Center
- Assessment for Learning
- Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Action Research
- Humanities & social sciences English linguistics Applied Linguistics
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Utilizing Interactive Videos to Assist Self and Peer Assessment of Students' Speaking
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Utilizing Interactive Videos to Enhance Individualized Feedback of Speaking
Student Attitudes and Speaking Assessment
The four skills and advanced reading and writing syllabi
Development of an advanced reading and writing syllabus
Self-assessment: Student and teacher perceptions of speaking performance
Practical classroom approaches to vocabulary instruction: a longitudinal experiment
Examining the rater reliability of a Text-Based approach to speaking assessment
A Rasch look at vocabulary knowledge
Programming and assessment for speaking
The English Language and Inequality : Case Study Wales
Developing a principled approach to the teaching of reading in the classroom
Language in context: Text-based language learning
Groupwork in the EFL Classroom: Collaborative learning and peer assessment
- Intermediate Course for the TOEIC Bridge Test
- Beginner Course for the TOEIC Bridge Test
- Student Self and Peer Assessment using Interactive Videos
- Self and Peer Assessment of Speaking With CALL
- Utilizing Technology for Self and Peer Assessment
- Utilizing Interactive Videos for Enhanced Individualized Feedback on Students’ Speaking
- Enhancing Feedback on Speaking With CALL
- Enhancing Speaking Feedback with Interactive Videos
- Enhancing Feedback on Speaking through CALL
- CALL and Speaking Feedback
- The Efficacy of Authentic Texts in the Speaking Classroom
- The Unhelpful "Native Speaker" Concept
- Addressing the Challenges and Neglect of Speaking Assessment in EFL
- Problematising Authentic Texts
- Action Research in the CALL Classroom
- Speaking Assessment
- Action Reasearch in the EFL Classroom
- Developing a collaborative Action Research group
- Student and teacher perceptions of spoken performance
- Exploring rater reliability in speaking tests
- Practical classroom approaches to vocabulary instruction: a longitudinal experiment
- Examining Rater Reliability in Speaking Assessment
- Applied Linguistics
- English for Business
- English for Tour Guides
- EFL and British Culture
- English
- English Literature and English Language
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