Nakajima Kasumi
- 教授
- 学位:博士(医学)
- Undergraduate School of Cultural and Social Studies / Department of Psychological and Sociological Studies
- Graduate School of Letters / Course of Communications
- Humanities & social sciences Social psychology
- Humanities & social sciences Clinical psychology
Relation among Interoception, Self-Consciousness, and Self-Acceptance/Acceptance of Others
Qualitative study on psychological stressors among clinical psychologists working in medical field according to the number of years of clinical experience
Adequately having one's own Interoception : From the Developmental Perspectives
Effortful Control and Self-development : The Responses to Feelings of Self-Disgust
終末期がん医療に関する医師の希望(Medical doctors' preferences regarding end-of-life cancer care)
医療現場で働く心理士のストレスとワーク?エンゲイジメントの検討 経験年数別の比較(A Study on Job Stress and Work Engagement of Psychologists Working at the Medical Field: a Comparative Analysis According to their Years of Clinical Experience)
Views on life and death of physicians, nurses, cancer patients and general population in Japan.
Psychologists involved in cancer palliative care in Japan: A nationwide survey.
Support for Students' Academic Achievements at a Health Sciences University
The experience of burnout among home caregivers of patients with dementia: Relations to depression and quality of life
Research survey results (concerns/worries, needs, and mental health status) of students studying in the field of medical life sciences
職務満足感とハーディネスが従業員の雇用不安とストレス反応に及ぼす影響(Impact of Job Satisfaction and Hardiness on Job Stabillty-Related Anxiety and Stress Responses among Employees)
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