- 教授
- 学位:修士(国際関係)
- Undergraduate School of Political Science and Economics / Department of Political Science
- Graduate School of Political Science / Course of Political Science
- Strategic Peace and International Affairs Research Institute
- Alliance Theories
- International Security
- International Politics
- International Relations Theories
- Political Science
- Humanities & social sciences Politics
- Humanities & social sciences International relations International Security, Alliance Theories
Transformation of “Liberal Internationalism”and New Cold War 2.0
Behaviors of States in the New Cold War: New Foci on Balancing and Alliances
Different Dreams in the Same Bed : Cooperation among Allies in Five Power Staff Conference (FPSC) from 1952 to 1954
From a Pacific Pact to the Hub-and-Spokes Alliance System
Bipolarity or Unipolarity?: Structural Changes in the Asia Pacific Region
Multilateral Alliances in the Asia-Pacific Region in the Early Cold War Period
Victor D. Cha, Power Play: The Origins of the American Alliance System in Asia
Significances and Limits of the European Defense Community (EDC) : Perspectives from Alliance Theories
U.S.-Japan Alliance from a Perspective of Alliance Theories
Strategy and Alliance Policy for the Asia-Pacific Region under the Eisenhower Administration : Collective Defense System in the Western Pacific
Contributions and Limits of Western Union Defence Organization (WUDO) as a Collective Defense Alliance : A Perspective from Strategies of the United States (U.S.) and the United Kingdom (U.K.)
KONDA Naomi, Anxiety of Great Power and Influence of Lesser Allies: U.S.-West German Relations in the Berlin Crises
An origin of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) : gaps between American and British military strategies in the Asia-Pacific region
An Option to Build an International Security System in the Asia-Pacific: Experience from a Pacific Pact Initiative in the Early Cold War Period
Incomplete Alliances: A Comparative Analysis of the Hub-and-Spoke System in the Asia-Pacific
Unipolar System in the Post-Cold War Period: A Perspective from Balancing Theories: The U.S. Foreign Policy in the World after the Cold War
- The Territorial Disputes Involving Japan: A Perspective from International Relations Theories
- Prime Minister Abe’s Security Strategy: Can He Make It?
- Public Perceptions, and Leadership, Power Transition in East Asia
- Defense Cooperation, Public Perceptions and Leadership in East Asia
- “When Did the NATO Develop into a Collective Security Alliance?: Transformation of NATO in the Early Cold War Period”
- 1. “Origins of U.S. Security Alliances in the Asia-Pacific Region in A Comparative Perspective”
Cooperation and its limits among Allied States during the Second World War
Conditions Promoting the Formation of Collective Defense Alliances: A Comparative Analysis of US Alliances
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