柴田 真由子

Shibata Mayuko

  • 助教
  • 学位:学士(医学)



  • Undergraduate School of Global Studies
  • Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine



Efficacy of Vinblastine and Methotrexate in a Childhood Patient with Progressive Desmoid Fibromatosis of the Lower Jaw: A Case Report.

Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T Cell Lymphoma Diagnosed with a Slowly Progressive Course: A Case Report.

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for inherited metabolic disorders: 35?years' experience at a single institution.

Effect of wheeze and lung function on lung sound parameters in children with asthma.

Successful Emergency Decompressive Laminectomy for Burkitt Lymphoma with Metastatic Spinal Lesions: A Case Report.

Clinical application of a lung sound analysis in infants with respiratory syncytial virus acute bronchiolitis.


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