Xethakis Larry
- 准教授
- 学位:博士(文学)
- Undergraduate School of Humanities and Science / Department of Community and Social Studies
- Humanities & social sciences English linguistics Psychology of language learning Psychometrics Collaborative learning Teacher development
- Kumamoto University Kumamoto University Graduate School KDS (Doctoral Scholarship)
- Kumamoto University Kumamoto University Graduate School KDS (Doctoral Scholarship)
- Kumamoto University, Faculty of Engineering The 16th Teaching Award
- Kumamoto University, Faculty of Engineering The 15th Teaching Award
A Confirmatory and Exploratory Approach to the Dimensions and Sources of Foreign Language Enjoyment Among Japanese University English Learners
The Psychometric Properties of the Short Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale in the Japanese SLA Context
Developing the Japanese and English versions of the Mind Blanking Questionnaire (MBQ): validation and reliability
Using the Database of Immigrant Narratives in a Class for Third-year English Majors
Validity and Reliability of the Interaction and Audience Anxiousness Scale in the Japanese SLA Context
Mediating Interactional and Social-evaluative Anxiety in the English Language Classroom
Efficacy of Learner Profiles Identified through Teacher Reflections
Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety in the Communicative Classroom
Learner Profiles for EFL in Japanese Higher Education: Incoming Student Beliefs, Experiences, and Expectations
Social anxiety in Japanese learners: Implications for English education
Active Learning among University STEM Teachers: Familiarity, Confidence and Current Use
Speaking More, Making Friends and Feeling Less Anxious: Learner Perceptions of a Novel Oral-Communication Course
The Psychometric Properties of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory in the Japanese EFL Context
Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Groupwork Skills Questionnaire for use in the Japanese SLA Context
Collaborative Curriculum Development: A Tool for Change
An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Scores on the Feelings Towards Group Work Scale in the Japanese University EFL Context
Psychometric Adaptation of a Japanese Version of the Feelings Towards Group Work Questionnaire for Use in the Japanese SLA Context
Engaging Learners in Receptive Vocabulary Learning
Creating Conditions for Collaborative Learning in the Language Classroom
Bringing Theory into the Classroom: Widdowson’s Framework for Pedagogic Mediation in Individual Practice
- This is Your Brain in Group Work: Anxiety in Communicative Classrooms
- Social and Communicative Anxiety in Group-work
- Enjoyment and Anxiety in a Hybrid Learning Classroom
- Social Anxiety: Limiting its Impact on Pair and Groupwork
- The Role of Social Anxiety in Pair and Groupwork
- Learner Profiling to Support Student-Centered Learning Environments
- Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety in the Communicative Classroom
- Anxiety, Interaction, and English Communication
- Learning Together & Working Together: Aspects of Teacher Collaboration
- Working with Anxiety in Group-based Learning
- Collaborative Curriculum Development as a Tool for Change
- Improving Attitudes: Making Group Work More Effective
- Creating Conditions for Collaborative Learning
- Engaging Learners in Receptive Vocabulary Learning
- Bringing Theory into the Classroom: Widdowson’s Framework for Pedagogic Mediation in Individual Practice
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers
- The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL)
- The International Association for the Psychology of Language Learning (IAPLL)
- The Japan Association for Language Teaching
- Editor
- Editor
- Editorial Advisory Board
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