天野 美和子

Amano Miwako

  • 講師
  • 学位:博士(子ども学)



  • Undergraduate School of Childhood Education / Department of Childhood Education



  • Humanities & social sciences Early childhood education and childcare Child Studies


  • International Association of Early Childhood Education Chairman of the Academic Contribution Award Recommendation Committee
  • International Association of Early Childhood Education Director


  • International Association of Early Childhood Education [略称]IAECE Academic Research Award 2019 Analysis of Communication between Five-Year-Old Children and Junior High School Students on Work Experience


Research Trends in Childcare in Early Childhood Education Facilities in the Corona Disaster –Focusing on the development of young children's interactions with others–

Examination of Training Workshop for Chief Teachers of Early Childhood Education Using "Middle Leader Patterns"

ECEC and Elementary School Teachers' Reflection About the Collaboration and Connection Between ECEC Settings and Elementary Schools : Factors that Influence the Transition Practices

Review and Empirical Research on Middle Leadership in Early Childhood Education and Care

Parents' Understanding of Collaboration and Connection between ECEC Settings and Elementary Schools : An Analysis of Parents' Beliefs and Attitudes

Analysis of Communication between Five-Year-Old Children and Junior High School Students on Work Experience

"Pattern languages" as a tool for visualizing and sharing practical knowledges of ECEC teachers

Teachers' Attitudes to Collaboration between ECEC Settings and Elementary Schools : Continuity from Nursery Centers and Kindergartens to Elementary Schools

Doctoral Course Majors in Child Studies 2015

Parents' Expectations and Recognition of the Benefits of School Collaborations : a Comparison of Birth Order and Age of Child

Young Children's Experiences During "Communication Experiential Activities" between Young Children and Junior High School Students ::In the Context of Their Lives in Day-care Nurseries and Kindergartens, in What Sort of Scenes do Young Children Communicate with Junior High School Students?

Frequency and Style of Touching Communication of All Young Children in the Context of "Fureai Taiken" with Junior High School Students : In the case of one junior high school student assigned to a class of young children

Experiences of Kindergarten and Nursery School Children through Interaction with Junior High School Students on 'Experience Activity Days'


  • Recognition of "strengths" of principals and middle leaders in ECEC Centers


  • Introductory Seminar A
  • Citizenship


  • Japanese Society of Child Science
  • International Association of Early Childhood Education


A longitudinal study on the quality of early childhood care and education: an ecological system approach

The longitudinal study on the effects of early childhood education and care on child development

Influence of participation in training programs organized by local governments on the formation of partnerships between ECEC settings and elementary schools


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